Over all length 8.5 - 11mm. A fairly large, grey tachinid with dark stripes on the thorax and a chequer-board pattern on the abdomen.
Hedgerows and woodland edge. The adults feed on nectar and the larvae are internal parasites of noctuid caterpillars.
Status and distribution
A recent colonist to Britain and mostly confined to the south-east. Not recorded in Nottinghamshire until 2018, but now regular at Netherfield Lagoons.
Best time to see
May to October.
Tachinid Fly - Linnaemya picta - female - September 9th 2018
Tachinid Fly - Linnaemya picta - female - September 9th 2018
Tachinid Fly - Linnaemya picta - female - September 9th 2018
Tachinid Fly - Linnaemya picta - female - September 9th 2018
Tachinid Fly - Linnaemya picta - female -September 14th 2018
Tachinid Fly - Linnaemya picta - female - June 26th 2019
Tachinid Fly - Linnaemya picta - female - June 26th 2019
Tachinid Fly - Linnaemya picta - female - September 15th 2019
Tachinid Fly - Linnaemya picta - female - September 15th 2019
Tachinid Fly - Linnaemya picta - female - September 15th 2019