This morning a female Marsh Harrier was watched for nearly an hour as it hunted over the Slurry Lagoon. It very nearly caught a Moorhen, which had to dive repeatedly to escape and was saved in the end by an angry Coot. Several times the Harrier settled in the reed bed and was still there when I left. A Cuckoo sang from the Deep Pit posts and at least three Garden Warblers were also singing. (All ten breeding species of warbler can be heard.) On the river a Common Sandpiper and two Kingfishers were seen and possibly another two were heard and the tern rafts are occupied by up to ten terns. PS.
The Marsh Harrier was still present late morning, showing very much the same behaviour as earlier, and 25 Swifts were seen. In the early afternoon a Kittiwake flew through to the east and a Whimbrel to the north east and at least 120 Swifts passed through. RW.